Thursday, 17 March 2011

Winter Wonderland Friday 11 March

Sorry I had copied and pasted yesterdays blog on today!

We have breakfast at 07:00, and then enough time to find a working tap for the drinks machine, before leaving at 08:00.
We load the coach at the far end of the hotel, close to all the rooms, and then hand in the collected room keys as we drive up to the reception area.
Five minutes later we are on the motorway when I suddenly realise that I have left my laptop in my bedroom.
We must turn round and retrieve it! What a doughnut!
At least I realised not too far from the hotel, if we had gone much further then I would have had a real problem as I do so much work on the laptop.
Once we have retrieved the laptop (I am suitably embarrassed) we are back on the road and have only lost 15 minutes.
I check the tea machine as we are driving and there is no water coming out, we have an airlock. Brian stops at the next parking area where we change drivers and he repairs the machine while I drive. I wasn’t allowed to try the repair!
The drive to Calais, which is flat and mostly uninteresting countryside, is forgotten as Jen comes up to the front and recites a poem she has written during the week about the week. It is very good and breaks the journey up.
We have no problems reaching Calais and once we have got our ticket for the 15:20 shuttle drive through to the terminal area for some shopping. Well, it is not quite as easy as that!
Brian is driving and at first we think we have driven past the turning to the terminal when we realise it is all sealed with large locked gates.
They have changed the system (for the better) so that you now go through passport control before going to the terminal. From the terminal you now drive straight to the shuttle. This is a marked improvement, especially at busy times, as you will know exactly how long to stop for without the guessing game of how long passports will take.
At last Eurotunnel have listened to the complaints from coach operators about loading times, dedicated lanes etc.
We are home in Petersfield by 18:00 after a very enjoyable week that had a lot of laughs along the way.


Anonymous said...

There appears to be one paragraph short. 1.What happened to the laptop that was left in the bedroom by somebody? (you know who you are!!!)
2.No mention of the poem by Pam Ayres which we thoroughly enjoyed.

Anonymous said...

Were you hoping to forget about having to go back for your laptop!!

Excellent, exciting blog, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Doughnut - a big sugary one with a tasty centre!