Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Calthorpe Ski Tonale Sat/Sun 16/17 April 2011

A free morning before we depart after lunch.
We load the coach during the morning and generally sit about waiting for lunch and then our departure. It is another glorious sunny day.
I go for a walk and end up buying a pair of ski boots! I've only got another year before I can wear them!
Lunch is quiet with only our group and a handful of private guests about.
We are away by 12:40 and the first couple of hours are through pretty countryside before reaching the motorway near Milan and then into Switzerland at Chiasso. We stop at the first main service area where there is a MacDonalds which everyone seems to enjoy before a glorious drive through the Swiss Alps.
We enter France as it is becoming dark and before Strasbourg turn off the motorway to take a shorter route through the St Die tunnel.
Once through the tunnel we rejoin the motorway which is very quiet until we near Nancy when the volume of traffic picks up.
Then we hit a traffic jam that seems to go on for miles. Is it an accident or is it roadworks? It is hard to see but whatever it is there is not much we can do.
We lose about an hour here and the cause is a police raod block! They have shut the motorway and are checking each vehicle individually! When it is our turn I am breathalysed before being waved on our way.
You couldn't imagine the police doing that on one of our motorways but I would think it is a successful deterrent for those who want a drink.
From here it is pretty straightforward up to Calais and our shuttle home.
Well, it is ok until we reach the shuttle terminal and are waiting in the queue for our train. It is delayed by half an hour! How can they be running late at 07:30 in the morning when there is so little traffic!
Once at Folkestone we are met by Ken who takes the coach back to Fleet and Brian and I drive my car back.
With the easy and fast journey we have had we could have done the whole trip within our driving hours but have Ken here just in case.
We also drive back to the school and say our goodbyes to what has been a great trip.

I can't wait for next year, it will be a Wembley tap in!

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