Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Crookhorn College Ski-ing Monday 17 February 2014

Monday 17 February
Breakfast at 07:00 and today we are away by 07:45 for the drive to Zauchensee.
It has snowed a lot overnight and the approach to Zauchensee is a windy road that climbs through the trees to the town at the top. We were here a couple of weeks ago and there was no snow on the ground but today there is loads and more coming down as we arrive.
We are the first coach here and it doesn’t take long to unload everybody and everything.
I am going to ski today and will join Chris’s group.
We start off on the gentle blue slopes but the visibility is poor and the snow bumpy. It has snowed heavily since they bashed the piste and in parts is lovely but in other parts is not so easy. Chris is an excellent ski guide and it is great being with him and his group today. We stop for an early lunch before going off towards Flachauwinkl in the afternoon. It is very difficult now as the mist has descended and you can’t see very much. Not enjoying this!
Chris soon realises that this is perhaps not the best move and we make our way back to Zauchensee and slopes closer to the coach. I think we are all relieved about this.
On the way back we are unanimous in a vote to see if we want to stop for a drink. I am gasping and quickly drink a couple of bottles of water. We are all sat around a big table and the owner of the restaurant sends over five glasses of schnapps for the adults. Tastes a bit like cough medicine but is nice and warming as it goes down!
We reach Zauchensee at 15:00 and I finish there as my legs are tired and I keep falling over! They only have another hour so feel it is time to stop.
I have enjoyed ski-ing with the boys – Adam, Owen, George and Miss Lake (Anni), Chris, Candy, Ted and young Thomas.

I fell over a few times today but the funniest was colliding with George bely to belly! He was coming down at speed as I turned into the mountain to slow down. A coming together was inevitable as we bounced off each other! Thankfully neither of us was at all hurt!
Once I have taken my ski’s back to the bus I collect another €10.00 from the cash desk and keep my pass for tomorrow. It is great ski-ing here for me as I receive a free lift pass every day (normal cost €28.00), I have my own boots and Chris has an extra pair of skis and poles I can use! All I have had to pay for is lunch and then I get the €10.00 back!!
There is a bit of a problem with a lost kid and an issue with whose skis are whose but we eventually get away by 16:30 and arrive back at the hotel by17:15. It is then straight into dinner as it is disco night tonight.
We leave at 19:20 and in ten minutes are at the disco in Golling. Brian is driving tonight so I am able to have a beer.
It is only our group in the disco and I join the adults for a drink while Brian sits on the coach. It is an enjoyable few hours as we let our hair down a bit. The round is eight bottles of beer and they are only small bottles but a round costs €28.00. That is €3.50 a bottle! That is expensive! We do receive a voucher for a free drink as we go in so the first one is cheaper!
We leave here about 22:15 and are soon back at the hotel.
Brian goes off to bed but I decide to have a night cap with some of the teachers that ends at 00:30!

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