Thursday, 17 March 2011

Austria ski-ing 20 February

Up at 06:30 for breakfast at 07:00. You can make up a packed lunch if needed but Brian and I decline the offer as going out for lunch will give us something to do!
These boys are serious about their ski-ing and want to be at the slopes for the first lift up at 08:00.
Today they are ski-ing in Alpendorf and the sun is threatening to come out which will make for a pleasant day.
We are the second coach here and within an hour are joined by ten other British coaches, all full of ski-ing saucepan lids!
There are six or seven coaches on hire to a ski-ing company call Snowslippers and four of these are a company called Windy Corner from Wales. One of these coaches has a pump that when put in a barrel of water will pump the water through a hose to help wash down. It takes them 4 barrells of water to wash one coach! It would be a lot easier and quicker doing it by hand. We decide to wash down tomorrow if the weather is good. Today we clean the inside of the coach but it is an impossible job keeping it clean throughout the week.The sun is out and it is a lovely day.
On arrival we are given a voucher which we can redeem for €7 at the cable car cash desk.
Armed with our new found riches we go off in search of lunch and walk up a steep hill to a restaurant overlooking the town of St Johann im Pongau. Makes Brian puff a bit!
We sit outside in the sun and enjoy a hearty plate of Grostel, a local dish of fried bacon, onion and potato topped off with a fried egg and served in the frying pan! Absolutely delicious.
We are one of the last coaches to leave at 16:30 after a great days ski-ing.
Dinner is pork or ribs with chips or spaghetti.
After dinner Steve gives out the days awards for skier of the day, wipeout of the day, quote of the day and big girls blouse of the day! All done with a sense of fun and highly enjoyable.
I have a couple of drinks with the staff – Steve, Chris, Elliot, Shirley, Matt, Stuart, Roy, Phil and Sarah – before bed.
It is snowing.

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