It should also be a gentle day as we are situated in the heart of the Lake District with the main lakes and sights not too far away.
We set off at 09:30 and as I’ve said it promises to be a lovely day with bright sunshine and clear blue skies to see us off.
We drive south to (and through) the spa town of Bad Ischl and on towards our first stop at Traunkirchen, a small village on the shores of Traunsee.
As we near Ebensee, a town at the southern end of Traunsee, the fog descends and we can’t see a thing! I wanted to show the passengers the cable car here as it was where they filmed Where Eagles Dare. Alas not this morning, they will have to take my word for it! You can’t even see the lake and we are driving along the shoreline!
We soon arrive in Traunkirchen and park in the little car park close by the lake and opposite the Hotel Post. Normally the view from here is superb with the crystal clear lake framed by the high mountains on the opposite side of the lake. Not today! It is so disappointing, although I know you can’t do much about the weather, as I wanted to show the group how beautiful it is here.
At least the coffee was good in the hotel! And some of the passengers bought some ready made bread bits from the little shop to feed the ducks and swans.
From here we continued through the fog, away from this lake, and onto our second lake of the day Attersee. Couldn’t see this either! Gutted.
As we near the bottom of Attersee the sun is fighting back against the fog and we have a few snippets of blue sky.
Our next lake is Mondsee and we are heading for the town of the same name when the fog goes and we are back to blue skies and sunshine! All is very pretty now!
Mondsee is famous for its magnificent Abbey which was used in the famous film The Sound of Music as the church where Baron Van Trapp and Maria married. I always like coming here if only for the delicious cakes in the cafe across the road from the Abbey! I was good though and only indulged in a tea and toasted sandwich while all those around me (you know who you are) filled their boots!!
We are away from here at 14:15 and the 15 minute drive to St Gilgen is gorgeous where we once again drive around Wolfgangsee back to our hotel in St Wolfgang. We are back by 15:00 and as it is still a lovely day I decide to go for a stroll around the town.
I haven’t been here for a few years and had forgotten how lovely and quaint the centre is. There is not too much open (a few shops, cafes and hotels) at this time of year but is a delight to wander the old streets and promenade.
All I bought was a day old paper but it did tell me all about Chelsea’s win over Manchester City on Monday night!
I go down to the bar area at 17:00 to do some work before another excellent dinner which included a super Lasagne and Cordon Bleu amongst other things.
I have a few drinks in the bar after dinner (my day off driving tomorrow!) with some of the passengers before bedtime.
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