Sunday, 6 April 2014

Austria Winter Wonderland St Wolfgang Thursday 06 February 2014

Thursday 06 February

My mum’s birthday today. Happy Birthday Mum!!

We are off to Salzburg today and depart the hotel at 09:00 for the hours journey to this beautiful city. We stay off the motorways today for a lovely drive and arrive bang on time at 10:00, dropping the passengers off in Paris-London Strasse close to the Mirabel Palace and Gardens, the Salzach river and the historical centre of the city.

I am looking forward to a wander around as I am nearly always driving and have to go away and park the coach a long way from the centre. Brian doesn’t do walking so the ideal day for me to stroll and him to drive!

I walk most of the group into the centre and having also given them all maps everybody should know where they are and where they are going! We shall see!

My first port of call is a coffee in Starbucks with Dot and Nicola before going off to explore at my leisure.

I really enjoy this morning as it is not too busy, everything is open and the forecast is good. I buy a few things for the mileage quiz and just spend a couple of hours strolling at my own pace.

Before lunch I cross back over the river and explore the streets of this older part of Salzburg, a part I haven’t visited about before.

Lunchtime sees me in an Italian restaurant enjoying a pizza and beer as I read all of the sports section of my €4.90 Daily Telegraph!!

The sun is out by now as I wander back to where Brian will pick us up at 14:00.

The only thing I didn’t enjoy about Salzburg was the amount of beggers about who seemed to be on every street corner and not one of them look Austrian.

We depart on time at 14:00 and are back at the hotel by 15:00.

This evening at 17:00 we are playing ice bowling at the hotel.

We all meet in reception at five and are taken by the receptionist out to the back of the hotel to the bowling rink where another of the hotel staff is waiting for us to show us all how to play the game.

The game is very similar to our own crown green bowls but substitute bowls for round wooden discs (called sticks) with a handle that you aim towards a block of wood (jack). It is all great fun as we have a couple of rounds of practice throws before the main contest begins!

And we have a big drum of hot gluwhein to keep us warm.

After the practice rounds we are divided up into boys and girls for the main event!

It is all a bit of fun and the boys end up winning (I don’t know how but we did!) as we all have a fun hour and a half where the gluwhein is delicious as well as warming. Brian seemed to enjoy this with at least three mug full’s down his Gregory!

Time for a beer before another lovely dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thoroughly enjoyed the read! It's great seeing blogs from a first-person perspective.
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