Thursday, 17 March 2011

Austria ski-ing Wednesday 23 February

We are back in Zauchansee today and are the first coach here. We park in the second bay and unload kids, ski’s, boots and poles.
The children are in the bay next to us sorting themselves out when the second coach arrives. It is another English bus and he has about 25 free bays to choose from and decides to pick the one the children are in!
I shout at him as does Steve as he is about to run over everybody and everything.
He eventually stops and waits for the kids to move, with no hand up to apologise or nothing to say sorry.
“Cock” says Steve and I can’t agree more!
The bay is cleared and Mr Cock reverses back and into the concrete wall and I nearly laugh my cock off!!!
Not a lot of damage is done but it is a sweet moment that will make me grin all day! Steve is quite amused too!
Lot of snow about today and it was a bit tricky for some cars getting to the resort. We were held up at one point by cars that had pulled over to put chains on.
By the time we drive out half an hour later the road is clear of cars and snow. On the way down the valley we do pass a car that has gone off the road into some trees, which have stopped it from going further down the slope.
We are on our way back to the hospital in the company of Stuart to pick up Haydon and take him back to the hotel.
We stop a couple of times looking for water to top up the frozen toilet and drinks machine but everywhere is frozen.
I top up the Go Box as we are being beeped four times! This is the toll box we have in the windscreen for Austrian motorways and rather like a pay as you go phone you can top it up as you go. One beep is good, two is preparing you for a top up, three you need a top up and four you are likely to be shot!! We top up unscathed!
We pick Haydon up and take him and Stuart back to the hotel before returning to Zauchansee, where all of the parking spaces have been taken.As we may have to move the coach we take it in shifts to go for lunch. I go to a quiet cafe and We pick Haydon up and take him and Stuart back to the hotel before returning to Zauchansee, where all of the parking spaces have been taken.
As we may have to move the coach we take it in shifts to go for lunch. I go to a quiet cafe and order Goulasch soup and am served sausage and chips! I couldn’t be bothered to wait so ate the sausage. When I paid my bill the waiter apologised and said he would only charge me the cost of the soup and not the sausage. Very nice of him but they are exactly the same price!!
As well as being the first coach here we are also the last English coach to leave with only a Norwegian bus keeping us company.
Dinner is at 18:00 tonight as it is disco night and is chips and pizza. I notice Elliot (one of the adults) take a large plate of pizza as well as his main dish. He must be hungry.
We drive to St Johann, or rather Brian drives, and turn up at a very shut looking disco.
After a few knocks on the door somebody appears to tell us the disco is closed for refurbishment! This does not help Chris who is holding an e-mail confirming the booking!After a few frantic phone calls to David back at the hotel we can go to a disco in Golling which is five minutes from the hotel.
Chris is clearly annoyed and upset at this and I feel sorry for him because these things do happen however much planning you put in, and you in no way responsible.
The disco in Golling is great and there are three other school parties there.
The highlight for me was some of the dancing especially Jake and Amos. Great fun.
We are back at the hotel by 22:30 which means they can be away in the morning at 07:30.
All of the hotel staff have gone to bed but have left out a couple of crates of beer and some wine.
Brian has gone to bed while I decide to have a nightcap.
The next couple of hours fly by as we chat and play silly drinking games and munch on the packets of crisps that have appeared as well as a plate of cold pizza from Elliot!
I have a bit of a shock as I’m sitting quietly when a portion of flying pizza hits my glasses and deflects on to the floor, leaving behind cheese and tomato on my specs!
Elliot is a little concerned as I was obviously not the intended target but it was very funny and made me laugh.
Manage to get to bed at 01:00.

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